Purpose of His Appearance
Dr. John K. Mathew
The Old Testament is the story of God’s dealing with the Hebrew nation for the purpose of bringing into the world a Messiah for all nations. The coming of Christ to the earth had been anticipated from the beginning. In the early days of human history God had chosen one family line, that of Abraham, and, later on, another family, within the Abrahamic family, that of David, to be the family through which His Son would make entrance into the world. The Old Testament prophets present him first as ‘Shiloh’ and star. And then over and over, He is spoken of as a King, to rise in David’s family, to be called the branch, the prince. the anointed one. God’s first born, wonderful, mighty God, everlasting Father and Prince of peace. As the scripture has said, “when the time had fully came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, that we might receive the full rights of Son” (Gal 4:4).
During His three and a half years of ministry Jesus made so many statements about the purpose of his appearance on planet earth. The Apostle John records such statement, that “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (10:10). It was not a mere statement. All the claims He made about himself came to pass. Countless people were healed in His ministry and even today signs and wonders take place in His name. Jesus literally raised the dead, calmed the storm and the demon possessed were set free. Jesus not only claimed that He is Son of God, but proved that he has authority to do that.
Everything that was foretold by the prophets about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ came to pass. Whatever Jesus claimed about his mission and ministry were fulfilled and still continue. Now let us take a look at what, Napoleon said about Christ. “I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires, and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist. … Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and myself founded empires; but upon what? Force. Jesus founded his empire on love; and at this hour millions would die for him. I myself have inspired multitudes with such affection that they would die for me. But my presence was necessary. Now that I am in St. Helena, where are my friends? I am forgotten, soon to return to the earth and to become food for worms. What an abyss between my misery and the eternal kingdom of Christ, who is proclaimed, loved, adored, and which is extending all the earth. Is this death? I tell you, the death of Christ is the death of God. I tell you, Jesus Christ is God.” [Generally accepted as genuine words of Napoleon. Courtesy, Halley’s Bible Hand Book]