There is Hope
Dr. John K. Mathew
The "prodigal son" did not have a cell phone; and he had no access to the internet. He had not even heard about facebook and its unlimited possibilities.
He lived in the cool atmosphere of a home under the shadow of his father's love and care - yet drifted away. WHY?
It can also be said about the prodigal son that he was living in a single parent home and his brother was not friendly. The luxuries he enjoyed became very monotonous to him. So many reasons can be attributed to his waywardness.
But the real reason is the sinful nature in man transfused to him by the fall of Adam. While it cannot be denied, as sociologists suggest, that heredity and environment play a vital role in shaping the personality of our young people.
A study conducted by the Harvard University is worth mentioning in this regard:
Six out of every ten juvenile delinquents have fathers who drink to excess, as also many of their mothers do.
Three out of four are permitted by parents to come and go as they please.
Three out of five are from homes where there is discord between parents.
Seven out of ten are from homes where there is no group or family recreation.
Four out of five have parents who take no interest in their children's friends.
Four out of five delinquent boys say their mother was indifferent to them.
Three out of five delinquent boys say their father was indifferent to them.
If parents maintain an "I don't care attitude", it is so likely that their children will capture deviant behavior. Parents are accountable to God for how they raise their children.
Ephesians 6:4 reads,"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord".
In the, Old Testament Moses emphasizes the importance of disciplinary action. He says,"If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of the town."(Deut.21:18) It is so evident that parents and the community as a whole have a responsibility to mold a healthy generation. In short, we need intact families, strong communities, and a reliable legal system to raise an upright generation.
The story of the prodigal son gives us hope that where parents, community and the legal system fail, God wins! The prodigal came back to his senses and decided to go back to his father.
He confessed all his sins and the gracious father forgave everything.Our heavenly father, the mighty one speaks and summons the whole earth unto him. It is time for all of us to return to our heavenly father.There is hope.