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Atheist Society Official Becomes a Christian, Resigns Position

Atheist Society Official Becomes a Christian, Resigns Position

Michael Foust | Contributor | Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A high-ranking official in a Kenyan atheist organization accepted Christ and resigned from his position because he no longer wanted to promote atheism in the country.

Seth Mahiga was the secretary for Atheists in Kenya Society, an organization founded in 2016, a member organization of Humanists International.

 Mahiga announced on the society’s social media accounts that he had become a Christian. A press release also was posted on the society’s website.

The press release and the social media accounts also posted a video of Mahiga at church, telling the congregation, “I’ve been going through some difficulties in life. … I’m so happy to be here.”

Christians worldwide celebrated Mahiga’s conversion.

 “This resignation caused by regeneration should ignite celebration for all Christians and consternation for all atheists,” tweeted James Merritt, pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Georgia. “May his tribe increase in every way!”