June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

Jesus The True Vine

Jesus The True Vine

Dr. Kris A. Jackson

The night before Jesus went to the cross, In John chapters 14-16, Jesus shared many vital last-minute details to the disciples. Last words are often a man’s most important words. Jesus spoke of preparing mansions in the Father’s house. He talked of another Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who would be “in” the disciples just as he was “with” them. He called them personal friends and shared that the world would hate them even as the world had hated him. But the focus of his final teaching to his disciples centered in the 15th chapter on the imagery of a vineyard and fruit bearing. “I AM the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman” (John 15:1).

This is one of the seven “I AM” passages in the Gospel of John, Christ’s personal certification that He is God the Son, the eternal Logos who became flesh. In verse 2 hementioned “every branch in me”. Branches have no life in themselves apart from the vine. To be in the vine is to be “in Christ”, for there is no life outside of him. Jesus, therefore, is the root, stalk, strength, supply, and support of the entire plant – “…for without me you can do nothing” (vs 5).


God the Father planted this vine. The Son was sent, born of a virgin, planted in the covenant soil of his native Israel, was raised a living body to which every born-again soul becomes a member, or in this context, a branch. Our very existence depends on our connection to Christ. A disconnected branch is at best a shriveled, fruitless vine branch, and at worst is dried tinder ready to be thrown on the burn pile. 

Fruits are the evidence of spiritual life and our connection to Christ, but roots are the source and support of our spiritual life. Plastic fruit can be purchased from the merchant, but it has no life, no flavor, no nourishment. Whether one has the beauty of a ripened mango or the weight of a plump jackfruit, he must remember that he did not support the tree, but the tree supported him. We have nothing that was not “received”. We are the recipients of the True Vine’s flowing life. Living things produce fruit, whether children, calves, oranges, or cashew nuts. But nothing can be produced without connection. “I am the vine, you are the branches…” (vs 5)


A helpless branch cannot graft itself into the vine. Only the husbandman, the vinedresser, the heavenly Father can create a new life. Aaron’s rod budded and produced almonds because of a divine miracle. Joining a church does not graft a dead branch into a living vine. Mere repentance cannot change the fate of a dried stick lying on the ground. Connection is dependent upon election. One is not saved because they are born into a Malayalee family, or American, or some denominational family. Grace is offered of the Vinedresser. The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides our welcome into the family. We did not choose Him, He chose us! Accept the free offer, make your calling and election sure.


As the True Vine, Jesus, was subject to the will of the Father and submitted to the Husbandman in every way, so the branches are subject to the laws of the vine and can only prosper through the care and pruning of the Dresser. I am not skilled in gardening and horticulture. Most plants I touch suffer from my lack of expertise. There is a right time to water, the soil requires proper nutrients, bugs and briars need fought and conquered. God is at work in the vineyard. The branch’s only responsibility is to cling to the stem, to cling to Jesus, and to allow the Vinedresser to work. Fruit bearing is the natural result of the Master gardener’s work.“He who abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit…”


John 15 cannot be understood separate from the two chapters which proceed and follow. The mystery of any living plant is found in its sap. The paraclete, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit is the mystery substance that injects and infuses life and sustenance into every branch. From the root to the farthest leaf, all life is sustained by the living water. Needy fiber and tissue draw power from the nectar that feeds the vine. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and those connected to Him are injected with the same power. 

Where the heaviest rains fall, we can expect the richest fruits. The leaves and shoots and grapes beg for rain – “My soul longs for You in a dry and thirsty land” (Psalm 63:1). Revival praying can break the drought. “Abiding in Christ” which symbolizes walking in the Spirit, feeding on the Word of God, and surrendering to Christ, maintains the full flow of his blessings and power. “The trees of the Lord are full of sap…” (Psalm 104:16) 


In a vineyard each plant stands side by side in long rows along the mountainside. Our connection to Christ is important but so is our interconnection with the entire vineyard. The new wine is found “in the cluster” (Isaiah 65:8). The mission of the Holy Spirit is not to produce a grape here and there but clusters, strong local gatherings, where unity abounds.

The Vinedresser walks through his garden inspecting. Jesus inspected one fig tree and found nothing but leaves. “Israel is an empty vine, he brings forth fruit unto himself…” (Hosea 10:1) The Lord of the Lampstands walks among the seven churches. Believers are to be fruit-bearers, not fruit inspectors, but we must examine ourselves whether we are in the faith. At each communion gathering we come for both self-inspection and divine inspection. This is not something to dread but rather to welcome because inspection leads to pruning which leads to further fruitfulness.


Every branch that bears fruit “he purges it that it may bring forth more fruit” (vs 2). Why do we resist correction? Fathers correct their children because they love their children. Yes, the pruning process cuts and the vine bleeds, but the flowing sap quickly cauterizes the wound.

If there is no pruning, dead, diseased, and dried up branches will rob the water and nutrients away from the healthy branches and stunt the growth of the vine. You have seen how the pruning of roses causes new blossoms to flourish. Plants work to support the ailing just as any other physical body. If branches are choked from sunlight, blighted by insects, or overgrown with too many leaves, the plant must pour its efforts into the weak or overgrown part of the vine which causes the rest of the vine to suffer. But when these things are carefully pruned (one of your chief duties, Pastor!) the rich grapes thrive, and remember, deep purple is the color of royalty.


Finally, in studying Christ, the True Vine, we know He has a destiny in mind. The Author of our faith is also the Finisher and Perfector. Good soil, healthy husbandry, and good doses of sunlight and rainfall “brings forth fruit unto perfection” (Luke 8:14). Jesus spoke of no fruit, fruit, and much fruit. Both quality and quantity are in mind. “Herein is my Father glorified that you bring forth much fruit, so shall you be my disciples” (Johns 15:8).The True Vine produces true disciples. Some years are more productive than others. We live in the season of the latter rain outpouring. There is no excuse for empty pews and barren vines.

In the New Testament the term perfection deals more with maturity than flawlessness. You will notice that all mature grapes look basically uniform. The process of subjection, inspection and correction create sweet fruits. The Holy Spirit within us produces the new wine that draws the world to Christ. At harvest the husbandman seeks a mature, ready, complete crop. Every passing day brings us nearer to the final harvest. The gleaning of grapes is the highlight of the season. By the grace of God the Church shall ripen! And then the red cup shall be lifted to the lips of the King!    

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