August 2024 | Good News!!

Lessons from a Centenarian: A Life of Faith and Faithfulness

Lessons from a Centenarian: A Life of Faith and Faithfulness

Dr. Lt. Col. V. I. Luke

… because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself   (II Corinthians 4:14).

That old age is a blessing from the Lord and that one should never be afraid of aging, is one of the primary lessons we have learnt from dear Appachen, Pastor M. V. Varghese. He had the firm confidence that when life on this earth ended, he would be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was one of the most vibrant and sharp-minded 100 year old’s we have known!

Even at 100, Pastor M. V. Varghese was being renewed daily from within – a reality evidenced in his conversations. We enjoyed catching up on the phone these past few years when Appachen could not come to Kumbanad regularly. It was a pleasure to listen to his lively voice, brimming with joy and every tele-conversation ended with a prayer for us, Valsonchayan, the Bible College and the IPC at large.

Appachen practiced gratitude. His life brimmed with thankfulness, a quiet and gentle spirit – toward God and towards those who served or looked after him. He was immensely grateful to be part of IBC and loved the faculty, staff and students alike.

He expressed certitude: He was a teacher who taught with absolute conviction and surety. His doctrinal stand was unshakeable. His sound expositions from the Word of God were crystal clear to the learners, which he has faithfully passed on to thousands, both at Hebron Bible College and India Bible College. Heaven and eternity will reveal the multiplied fruit from his labors.  

His Pastoral Theology classes were filled with lively and humorous examples of how not to perform certain ministries! His contribution to the church and world is the enormous treasure of equipped men and women in the mission field today. Though he would make one laugh through his wit, he always had a deep truth to be conveyed through that. 

He developed fortitude:  He had power to endure. He has withstood challenging times and underwent hardships aplenty. But he did not yield to pressure. Appachen did not go looking for greener pastures nor did he seek higher heights. He bloomed right where he was planted.

He displayed decorum, dignity and discipline: in all aspects of personal and social life. He was a careful and balanced, healthy eater. Dressed well and was always carefully turned out. There was great discipline in his preaching. Every time he was on the pulpit, he was careful to exalt none but Christ. We have never heard him grumble or show dissatisfaction about  anything - be it in the long durations of his stay on Hebron Campus, his room or the food. He was a very satisfied man of God.

Many of us and even Appachen’s son, Sunny desired that at least part of the Homegoing service be held at Hebron, Kumbanad – since Appachen, in his healthy years, lived more in Kumaband, than in his own home. However, we understand the vagaries of the weather are what deprived us the privilege. Appachen studied at Hebron Bible School in the early 1940’s and lived on that campus for 55 to 60 years.

During the Kumbanad convention week, especially on the last Sunday, Appachen came to Hebron Bungalow very early in the morning to attend the Holy Communion and Worship Services. He would be fasting and no amount of coercing him would make him eat anything until the end of the service, irrespective of when the service ended.  

For Pastor M. V. Varghese, everyday was a celebration. He enjoyed the company of those who celebrated life and Jesus. The senior teachers at India Bible College during 2000 – 2012 or so, were – Pastors M. V. Varghese,  George Oommen, T. C. Easow, C. I. Cherian and K. M. John along with our beloved father, Pastor T. S. Abraham, All of them were excellent teachers of the Word and were respected as the patriarchs of the Bible College.  Almost every evening at 4:00 PM, they met at the Bungalow along with Pastor K. J. James over a cup of tea and vada or snack and exchanged notes of the day and shared their laughter and joy over the incidents from their classrooms. It was a joy to simply be part of these lighter moments, watching them laugh and enjoy life together. Those were precious moments when we had the privilege of serving Appachen.

Appachen was faculty at Hebron Bible College since 1955-1956 and continued that ministry at India Bible College and Seminary where he served as Vice Principal. Even in this year’s IBC Faculty list, Appachen’s name figured as FACULTY EMERITUS and it was with much pain that we dropped the name from the list yesterday afternoon. 

The weddings that Appachen solemnized were truly solemn occasions. The semi-classical songs he sang in his deep rich voice, far outweighed any professional singer. He really did not need a microphone. When he solemnized a wedding at the Hebron Church less than 3 years ago, we could hear him sing, crystal clear,  while seated in the Hebron Bungalow!! In his classes, he took time to explain to the students the context of each song / writer.

All of us siblings are grateful to God for granting Pastor M. V. Varghese the health to officiate at the graveside services of the funeral of both our parents – Pastor and Mrs. T. S. Abraham. We salute this minister of the Gospel who spoke and taught the Living Word of God for 77 years!!

Both of us deeply loved Appachen and it was reciprocated in great measure. We admired his spontaneity in wit and ability to hold captive the audience during his messages or teachings. He never hesitated to share how God worked in his life and the lessons he learnt from those experiences.  Each instance has proven to help us in our own walk of faith.

We commend Sunny and Shobha and their children – Feba, Febin, Alen and Ashley for the excellent care they ensured Appachen received. They have fulfilled their responsibilities faithfully and great will be their reward.

Pastor M. V. Varghese lived a life of honor and integrity. He is resting from his earthly labors. We look forward with great Hope to the day when we will see dear Appachen in eternity with Christ, awaiting his great and eternal reward. 

The IPC Alapuzha District and the IPC have indeed lost a great spiritual leader. May the void created by the passing of dear Appachen be filled with men of vision and spiritual valor.  

  “At most you will live a hundred years on earth, but you will spend forever in eternity.” Rick Warren

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