June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

Role of Vision in the Expansion of Christian Ministry

Role of Vision in the Expansion of Christian Ministry

Pr. P. J. Daniel

Vision is a very significant term used in today’s Christendom. It is a word frequently used by Statesmen, Businessmen, Religious Leaders, etc. Vision is so important it has become a word people abuse and throw around in vain. The Bible says, "without vision the people perish, (Proverbs 29:18). 

Why is vision so important? There are various reasons why vision is important in Christian Ministry. 

These days certain people claim that they have seen visions on various aspects- visions of visa, visions of different mortal and immortal beings, apparitions - which are not visions but mere delusions. 

What is the true meaning of vision? It is inevitable to define the term vision extensively. The following is a popular definition of Vision “The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.” Having hope for the future with a legible imagination of creative activities to reach a target is vision. 

According to Merriam-Webster, vision is defined as, “the act of power of imagination.”  When we apply vision to the future, we can create a mental picture that can be used to direct our actions. Vision serves as a guide and can be used to provide a sense of purpose. Having a vision ensures that our life or business goals can remain focused. Anyone can create their vision statement. People can develop a personal vision statement, to focus on ministry and achievements. 

Vision can transform the dimensions of our ministry. “Moti Nagar” is a significant place in New Delhi. Initially, it was known as “Mochi Nagar” which means ‘the place of cobbler’, now it is transformed into ‘Mothi Nagar’ a place of jewels. This significant name change happened because of the vision of certain activists.  It is vision that can transform our life and ministry to higher dimensions.

Proverb 29:18 verse " without vision the people perish" is a reminder of a headless rooster that runs around frantically. It is a fact that numerous ministers engage in ministry without a vision and thus fall into danger and failure. They move and act without a sense of purpose. Jesus said: that when a person begins to build a house, he should plan and ensure he has adequate funds showing he has confidence or vision about his venture.

Vision maintains order in our ministry

Without vision disorder and confusion may arise in our ministry. So, it is essential to maintain clarity of our purpose and goal. Only then, we will attain the goal.

Vision boosts growth in the ministry

When we begin with a vision the ministry grows successively. Paul moved forward with a vision. He proclaimed it often. With serenity and pleasure, he declared that from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, "I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ" (Romans 15: 19). It was always his vision to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that he would not be building on someone else’s foundation, but rather on those who had not heard about Jesus Christ. His vision boosted and widened his ministry to those far and near.

One of the remarkable paradoxes of Christianity is that we nourish ourselves as we serve others. The serving Christian is a growing Christian (qualitative growth). The serving church is a growing church (quantitative growth). The vision calls people for service. Where there is no vision people become idle, selfish, self-feeding, parasitic consumers.

Vision protects Unity

Unity is the strength of anyone’s ministry. Teamwork will boost and extend the ministry in a wider frontier. Someone said “Team” means “Together Everyone Achieves More.” The Bible does not encourage single-man ministry. Even to bring a colt for the use of Jesus to ride over to Jerusalem, he sent two disciples. Apostle Paul often encouraged teamwork and always he had a company of comrades to work together. It is a hard exertion to maintain unity among the team members. Only a person with a deep vision can sustain it. Vision unites individuals toward a shared purpose. Where there is no vision, everyone believes what he or she is doing is more important than what the other person is doing. Lack of vision breeds competition, conflicts, and divisions. 

Vision Boosts Productivity

Vision helps leaders allocate effectively. It is seen in the Epistles that Paul allocates ministries to his team members. Paul left Titus at Crete that he might put in order what was unfinished and appoint leaders in every town, as he directed him (Titus 1:5). He decentralized his authority to his team members. He never intended to do it alone. He used to delegate his companions to various regions and churches to fulfill the goal. Progress tracking becomes easier when is distributed. Leaders without vision waste energy and resources. Some leaders are very busy in ministry but hardly accomplish anything at all because they do not have a vision. They keep shooting in the dark. It is a waste of energy and resources. It results in unnecessary burnout, frustration, disappointment, and anger.

Vision Creates Momentum in the ministry

Visionary leaders inspire passion and movement in the ministry. When people are engaged in various ministry aspects, the entire ministry gains momentum. The Communist Party always engages their comrades busy in various programs like ‘Human chain’, ‘human wall’, various types of hartals, hunger strikes, etc. to maintain motivation to fulfill their goal. “An empty mind is the workshop of Satan” So it is essential to keep the team members engaged. Some leaders are very busy in ministry but hardly accomplish anything at all because they do not have a team vision.

Vision helps to keep moving forward and sail through rocky waters. Minor setbacks and hurdles tend to appear small or inconsequential if a leader has a strong vision. They would sail through them and persist to the end, learning at each step of the way. Vision helps leaders to be persistent.

If we want to lead people to a course, we need to have a clear vision of how we attain to project ourselves and the team to achieve that goal. Great leaders must have a vision and the vision of a leader should go beyond written organizational mission statements and vision statements.

So, Vision has a great and significant role in the widening of our ministry, which was the pattern of our forefathers and the Apostles, which strengthened the growth of the Church more rapidly and effectively.

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