June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

Control, Who Needs It?

Control, Who Needs It?

Bro. Tony Antony Kanimangalath

A river knows its course

and flows not off its way.

When the evening comes,

For the moon the sun makes way,

Each plays its part and knows its role

None strays away from its control.

This is the harmony that man is seeking today

While he juggles a thousand tasks each day.

Mossive machines & structures he has built.

To control them he has just a button or a switch.

A bridle for a horse,

Buttons for a crane

From gears in a sports car

To hydraulics on a plane

Need I write tales of his control

We are daily users of the swipe and scroll.

To Find, buy, watch or skip

All we do is search, scroll, or click

Much has he toiled to control things around him.

That he often forgets things within that control him.

Greed, Jealously, Lust and Pride

He's been subdued by them all.

This is the truth of his inmost being

Guilty of a few or of them all

Look within yourself, O man.

Your wandering mind is what needs control

Watch the thoughts that enthrall you

For they are what control you.

Hold tight its reins, don't let it wander

Upon thoughts that cause anxiety, don't' you ponder

Think about what's right instead,

What is noble, pure and lovely.

It'll fill you with heavenly peace

Your days will be joyful and lively.

Forget not therefore what ancient wisdom says

Let your heart be pure and straight be your ways

Caution your mind and awaken your soul

For like a city without walls is a man without self-control.

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