June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus: A Path to Holiness, Influence, and Stewardship

Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus: A Path to Holiness, Influence, and Stewardship

Bro. Sibey Mathew

In the intricate world of a symphony orchestra, each musician brings their unique talent and skill to the ensemble. With years of experience and dedication, they are capable of producing beautiful music on their own. Yet, amidst this sea of individual expertise, there exists a unifying force without which the performance would lack cohesion and harmony – the conductor.

The conductor stands at the helm, guiding the musicians through every note and nuance of the score. With poised gestures and nuanced expressions, they shape the music, ensuring that each section blends seamlessly with the next. Their leadership is not merely technical but interpretive, breathing life and emotion into the music.

In many ways, our lives mirror the dynamics of a symphony orchestra. We are surrounded by a cacophony of choices, responsibilities, and influences, each vying for our attention and allegiance. Like skilled musicians, we may possess talents, experience, and knowledge to navigate life's complexities. Yet, without a guiding force to unify and direct our efforts, we risk discord and dissonance.

Just as the orchestra's eyes are fixed on the conductor, so too should ours be fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). His life and teachings serve as our score, providing the framework and guidance for living a purposeful and harmonious existence. When we attentively watch and listen to Him, we become attuned to His gentle nudges and promptings, guiding our decisions and actions. With Him as our conductor, even the most dissonant circumstances can be transformed into a symphony of grace and redemption. Jesus empowers us to live lives worthy of His kingdom. His love and grace enable us to overcome obstacles, fulfil our calling, and impact the world around us in meaningful ways.

In a world filled with distractions, challenges, and temptations, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus is not just a religious platitude but a profound principle that can transform our lives. Three key aspects of how keeping our eyes on Jesus can impact our lives:

Living a Holy and Righteous Life

Holiness and righteousness are at the heart of a life centred on Jesus. The God of the Bible is often described as holy, and He calls His followers to reflect His character. The command "Be holy for I am holy" resonates throughout Scripture (1 Peter 1:16), reminding us of the standard we are called to uphold. When our eyes are fixed on Jesus, we are continually reminded of His example of purity, love, and obedience to God. This focus inspires us to strive for holiness in our thoughts, actions, and relationships.

Becoming Peer Influencers

Peer pressure is a pervasive force in society, often leading people astray from their values and beliefs. However, when we keep our eyes on Jesus, we become influencers rather than followers. Jesus described His followers as "the light of the world" and "the salt of the earth" (Matthew 5:13-16), highlighting their role in

influencing and preserving society. By embodying the principles and teachings of Jesus, we have the power to positively impact those around us, guiding them toward truth, love, and righteousness. Our lives become a testimony to the transformative power of faith, inspiring others to seek a deeper relationship with God.

Embracing Stewardship and Service

Stewardship is a central theme in Christianity, emphasizing our responsibility to manage and utilize the resources entrusted to us by God. When our focus is on Jesus, we recognize that faith without action is incomplete (James 2:17). We are compelled to actively engage with the world around us, seeking opportunities to serve, empower, and meet the needs of others. Whether it's through acts of charity, advocacy for justice, or simply offering a listening ear, our lives become a reflection of Christ's compassion and love.

Moreover, keeping our eyes on Jesus reminds us that our ultimate battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12). As spiritual warriors, we are called to stand firm in faith, wielding the weapons of prayer, love, and truth to combat darkness and bring about transformation in our communities and beyond.

It's important to remember that even when we're involved in Christian activities, we can lose sight of Christ. Sometimes we are deceived into believing that activity is spirituality. It is deception, Satan's lie. When we turn our attention away from Jesus, we expose ourselves to dangers and pitfalls that could lead us astray.

Consequences of losing sight of Jesus: Attraction to the World

The world has a powerful allure, tempting us with its pleasures, pursuits, and distractions. However, the Bible warns us that as followers of Christ, we are called to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:14-16). When we lose sight of Jesus, we become susceptible to the world's enticements, risking our spiritual well-being, and compromising our values. The apostle James cautions that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4), reminding us of the importance of remaining steadfast in our faith and convictions amidst worldly pressures.

Lack of Love and Unity

When our focus shifts away from Jesus, we lose sight of the commandment to love one another as He loved us (John 13:34). Instead of cultivating love and unity within the body of Christ, we may find ourselves harbouring resentment, envy, and bitterness toward our brethren. The call to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44) is replaced by schemes and divisions fuelled by selfish ambition and pride. Without Jesus as our guiding light, we risk becoming agents of discord rather than instruments of reconciliation and peace.

Compromise of Truth

One of the most significant dangers of losing sight of Jesus is the compromise of truth. Just as Daniel remained steadfast in his faith despite facing immense pressure to conform to the king's decrees (Daniel 6), we are called to stand firm in our convictions, even in the face of opposition. However, when Jesus is not the focal point of our lives, we may prioritize worldly acceptance and approval over allegiance to God's truth. We become susceptible to watering down the Gospel message and compromising our beliefs to fit in with societal norms, ultimately diluting the power of God's Word and undermining our witness.

Lukewarmness and Spiritual Apathy

Finally, losing sight of Jesus can lead to spiritual lukewarmness and apathy. God desires His followers to be passionate and zealous for His kingdom (Revelation 3:15-16). Yet, when we become complacent and indifferent in our faith, neither fully committed nor wholly disinterested, we risk evoking God's displeasure. Jesus Himself warns against lukewarmness, declaring that those who are neither hot nor cold will be spit out of His mouth. Without a fervent focus on Jesus, we lose the fire and enthusiasm needed to advance God's kingdom and make a meaningful impact in the world.

The consequences of losing sight of Jesus are profound and far-reaching. From succumbing to worldly temptations and fostering division to compromising truth and embracing spiritual apathy, the dangers are clear. Therefore, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, drawing strength, wisdom, and guidance from His example as we navigate the challenges of life.

Let us embrace the role of the conductor in our lives – fixing our eyes on Jesus, listening attentively to His voice, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our steps. As we surrender to His leadership, we will discover the beauty and richness of a life lived in harmony with God's purposes, bringing glory to His name and blessing to those around us.

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