May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

The Door that will be closed in the near future

The Door that will be closed in the near future

Pr. B. Saji

This period of Grace we are living in will soon end. This period also known as the age of Church or the age of Holy Spirit. The period of grace began by the coming of Jesus Christ, and of His death on the cross of calvary. 

The Bible very clearly gives implications about “closed doors”.  A closed door or locked door can represent the dead and or create the feeling that there is no way out. We heard the saying “If God closes a door, he will open a window”. Or God closes one door, He will open another. These specific phrases are not found in the Bible, but there are quite a few verses about closed doors that can be found. In connection with the resurrection of Jesus Christ we read about the closed doors. In fact it is a common phrase in the resurrection narratives. The doors being shut for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said peace be with you (John. 20:19). However, we confined many references to closed doors. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve having broken God’s only commandment to them are forced to leave Eden paradise. The gates of the garden are shut and an angels is set at the gate to guard against their re-entry (Gen. 3:23).

But our subject is not about the “closed doors” in the Bible but “the door that will be closed in the near future”. According to the Bible, we live in the age of grace.

There are several significances for the period of grace - it is the period that a person received salvation through faith by the grace of God. During this period we are not under the law any more but under grace (Ro. 6:15); The law has been fulfilled (Math. 5:17). The grace through Christ is open for all, and all that is required for salvation is to trust in Jesus Christ (Acts. 16:31); He has done all in the cross that is necessary for salvation (Eph. 2:8-9). 

Our Lord has commanded that the Gospel be taken across the globe, thereby all people may have this grace and the knowledge of truth (1 Timo. 2:4, 2 pet. 3:9); This grace is offered to all, without any discrimination. God is with holding His judgment because He does not want anyone to perish. But some day the period of grace will suddenly be over and it will be time to “pay the fine” for the wages of sin. 

During this age of grace we have to acknowledge, our sinfulness to God and put our faith in Jesus Christ, who has already taken the complete penalty on Himself. But if we die without receiving Christ as Savior or if He returns and we have rejected Him the “grace period” will be over and will be judged for our sin. A common expression among the Christians that we are living in the age of grace, and in that God still grants grace to those seeking salvation through His son. The age of grace as a time period that began with the sacrificial death of Christ upon the cross (Eph. 3:1-6) and it was announced on the day of Pentecost. The grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people (Titus. 2:11).

There will come a day when salvation through Christ will no longer be available (1 Sa. 55:6, Ro. 13:11). This is considered by many to be the end of the age of grace. It is believed that this will come to an end at the resurrection of believers or by the second coming of Jesus Christ. It means God provided a way of salvation that will one day come to an end. Therefore, it is important that anyone who has not accepted Christ and received His grace, do so as soon as possible. We do not know when grace will no longer be available. When that day comes, the age of grace will be over.

Now we are in the age of grace, but when the age of grace is over, salvation will no longer be available. Therefore it is important that anyone who has not accepted Christ and received salvation will do so at once, , because we do not know if tomorrow will be too late.

What will happen, when the door of the grace will be closed in the near future?

The door of Grace is open for all now without any discrimination. Those who are willing to accept Jesus Christ and trust in Him with faith they can obtain salvation as a free gift.

A person who accepts His grace in advertently will enter into the kingdom of God from where he/she will have the experience of peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17). 

But the Door of the grace will be closed very near. Nobody can say when it will happen. What will happen when the door of the period of Grace, will be closed. Bible very clearly teaches regarding this.

1. Resurrection of the believers: Immediately after the door of the Grace closes, along with that the resurrection of the believers will take place. Apostle Paul talks about this in the following way. It is the time of the dead in Christ rise and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:16-18); In fact, soon after the door of the grace closes the believers in Christ will be raised to meet their Lord and master who died for them. They will be in air for seven years where the Lord Jesus will give their rewards.

2. It is the time of Judgment: Soon after the door of grace closes, there comes the terrible end-time events that will affect the entire world. The final Chapter of the Book of Daniel (Ch.11) focus on end time prophecy, events that will occur just before and after Jesus Christ returns to earth. It will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation (Dani. 12:1); For that day is great, so that none is like it, and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jere. 30:7). Jesus Himself also referred about this time that “for then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no never shall be (math. 24:21-22).

After the door of Grace closed, the resurrection and the judgment take place simultaneously. Those who accepted the Grace of God, trusted in Jesus Christ and by faith accepted His salvation will have the resurrection where as those who reject the grace which is open for all will have the judgment of God and condemnation. The door of Grace will close soon. If you seek the grace of God and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, then you can enjoy this grace and when Jesus Christ comes back you will have resurrection, and your body will be glorified and you will enjoy whole eternity with your saviour. If not there will be eternal punishment. You will be condemned and will thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15).

Now is the accepted time: behold now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6;2); Don’t postpone the grace of God that is inviting you to accept it. If you reject it, the door of Grace will be closed very soon and you may not have eternal blessings’. “The door of the grace is going to be closed, if you come swiftly you can also enter into the Kingdom of God.

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