May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

June 2013

The Source of Abundant Life

June 2013

“Religion…is the opium of the people,” wrote Karl Marx, considered the founder of modern-day Communism and icon of secular humanism.  Opium is a drug one takes when he feels hopeless, weak and depressed and has no realistic approach to a better life.  To Karl Marx, Christianity ...Read More

Purpose of His Appearance

June 2013

The Old Testament is the story of God’s dealing with the Hebrew nation for the purpose of bringing into the world a Messiah for all nations. The coming of Christ to the earth had been anticipated from the beginning. In the early days of human history God had chosen one family line, that of Abraham...Read More

Jesus' Mission Statements

June 2013

The gospels record several statements of Christ which can be regarded as Jesus’ mission statements. When those statements are put together, we get a comprehensive plan of God’s salvation for humanity and the specific purpose of Jesus mission on earth. The focus of this article is an examination ...Read More

Christ Came to Fulfil the Law

June 2013

The Word of God has always been under attack and more so these days. The evil one always attempts to destroy the foundation of faith. It is indeed a tragic sight to see many churches crumble spiritually and several beautiful church buildings now merely remaining as monuments of its glorious past. Wh...Read More

The Life that has been Given Abundantly

June 2013

Christian life is basically and essentially a relationship, a relationship between God and us. The Bible uses different metaphors to describe this relationship. Creator and Creature, a king and his subjects, father and children, husband and wife, vine and branches and so on. In the Old Testament, in...Read More

Revenge, Justice and Forgiveness

June 2013

Easter is a time people meditate about the Cross.  The world is full of hurt people.  There are many victims of human atrocities or human negligence.   Some have suffered as individuals and some have as community or ethnic group or even a nation.  They wish to handle in...Read More

The Mission to the Marginals: Jesus' Model

June 2013

The statement of Jesus in Mat 9:13, “I have come not to call the righteous but sinners” is the third among the six (Mat. 5:17a; 5:17b; 9:13b; 10:34a; 10:34b; 10:35) “I have come” statements in the gospel of Mathew. In His statement ‘I have come not to call righteous but sinners’ Jesus ma...Read More