January 2024 | Conversion: Persecutor Turns Promoter

August 2021

'First' Resurrection

August 2021

Thomas Jefferson culled out all moral teachings of the first three Gospels and gathered them into a book called 'The Life and Moral Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth'.The book ends, "And they laid Jesus in the tomb and departed. By contrast, George Washington's epitaph contains the words of John 11;25....Read More

Our Journey to a Bright Hope

August 2021

In John’s gospel account, in the Lazarus episode (John 11), we see the compassionate humanity of Jesus shining forth amongst the various portraits of Him as the Son of God. John, the beloved apostle, who leaned on the bosom of the Lord, creates a beautiful portrait of the Saviour, to breathe new l...Read More

Conversion or Conviction? A Biblical Perspective

August 2021

India is a land of many religious traditions and it is very much pluralistic. The word conversion is very significant in the context of its pluralistic cultural heritage of diverse socio-religio-ethnic identities. The Hindu nationalists accused the Christian missionaries for converting Adivasis, Dal...Read More

Argument on the Ventilator..!

August 2021

She lay on the ventilator, as fervent prayers went up from hundreds, in plea chains and waves, outside same hospital, “Save her!” they prayed, and up in heaven God listened to their prayers even as He looked at her, and saw a smile of ecstatic joy on her face.“Oh God,” she whispered as she l...Read More