May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

October 2018

The Blessed Hope

October 2018

“When we all get to heaven…”Many Christians regard this as the “ultimate” of the Christian life.  This is important, but Jesus revealed a far greater and more dramatic destiny for the Christian:  His Second Coming.  It is the day, not when we leave earth for heaven, but when...Read More

Watch and Wait

October 2018

In his book,  'Man's Search for Meaning', Victor Frankl, a successor of Sigmund Freud at Vienna, argued that the "loss of hope and courage can have a deadly effect on man." As a result of his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp, Frankl contended that 'when a man no longer possesses a motiv...Read More

Jesus' Teaching About His Second Coming

October 2018

The surest assurance of Jesus’ second coming comes from the words of Jesus Himself. His disciples believed Him as the promised Messiah and cherished the hope of overthrowing the Roman rule and establishing the Messianic Kingdom. So Jesus’ crucifixion was too much for them to accept. The uneducat...Read More

Why This Delay?

October 2018

Jesus told His disciples about His return to earth (Matt.24). When the disciples asked what they could expect then, He told them that they should be concerned about being prepared, rather than knowing the exact date of His return in power.   Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus  a...Read More

The Second Coming of Christ and Related Thoughts

October 2018

There are many branches in Christian theology. One of the more important among them is eschatology; that deals with the second coming of Christ. This is a subject which is very vast, solemn and one which is significant to our very life.All the books of the Bible are tied together with a common idea,...Read More

Waiting and Watching for His Second Coming

October 2018

Second Coming is the greatest event a Christian can aspire to experience as long as s/he is alive.  And all Christians are expected to be waiting, watching and working (www) simultaneously.  There are generally two extreme responses people tend to take regarding His Second Coming.  Fi...Read More

Signs of the Return of Jesus Christ

October 2018

(Geo-physical signs - green house, global warming, earthquake,  environmental changes / cosmic).The Lord’s Prophecy concerning the End-Times and His Coming(Readers are encouraged to read through the whole of Matthew 24).“Jesus  sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him priv...Read More