May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

August 2015

Jesus Empowers Women

August 2015

Organized religion has tended to devalue women and deny them power and influence.  This includes organized Christendom throughout much of its history.Christendom is never as radical as the Bible.  When we read the Bible, it becomes clear that God has always had different ideas about women ...Read More

No Male No Female

August 2015

In his ‘Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Luke’, the great bishop J.C. Ryle points out“It was not a woman who sold the Lord for thirty pieces of silver. They were not women who for sook the Lord in the garden and fled. It was not a woman who denied him three times in the high priest’s hou...Read More

Theology of Women Empowerment

August 2015

Religions have played key roles in shaping the history of the world and peoples.  The liberating New Testament had emancipated the slaves, the gentiles, the women, the Samaritans and set them free from the age old bondages. But in spite of the many positive theological statements about women in...Read More

Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922) A brief history

August 2015

Pandita Ramabai was a social reformer who was passionate about Christ and passionate about woman. Ramabai was born in 1858 to a high caste  Brahmin Sanskrit  scholar, Anant Shastri Dongre. Her father breaking tradition, taught his wife and daughter, Pandita, the sacred languages The f...Read More

An Open Letter to Women Crying for Empowerment

August 2015

My Beloved Sisters in Christ, First of all, this letter is written in love.Secondly, it is written not as a viewpoint but from the fruit of experience.Thirdly, it is written to inform that I do not believe in ‘women’s empowerment’. It is merely a commercial concept and by subscribing to it, we...Read More

Restriction or Mutuality in Gender Roles ?

August 2015

Paul’s positive approach to women and their roles in the church can be seen  in Rom. 16:1-16, and it is paradoxical to hear Paul’s seemingly indifferent tone elsewhere in dealing with the roles of women in the church (1 Cor. 11:2-16; cf.14:34f ; 1 Tim. 2:13f). 1 Cor. 11:2-16 poses an appare...Read More

Christian Professional Women

August 2015

Christian Professional Women have a major role to play in the expansion of God’s kingdom! To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48).Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and the kingdom of God. This implies that educated women are not only the privile...Read More