May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

March 2015

Jesus: Son of the Living God

March 2015

In the days of his flesh, Christ constantly asserted his own superior greatness among men. No man dared make the same claim. Familiar as he was with great saints in God’s portrait gallery, he could say of himself, “Behold a greater is here”.Herbert Lockyer writes, “He was greater than Abraha...Read More

Why Did Christ Come?

March 2015

In 1990, 24 years ago, the Hubble Space Telescope was sent into orbit on the space shuttle Discovery.It was the world’s most powerful camera and telescope sent into space. The camera lens was 8 feet in diameter, weighing 828 kilos, the most expensive space project undertaken by the government of U...Read More

The Uniqueness of Christ's Testimony of Himself

March 2015

Jesus didn’t just make claims like “I am the Bread of Life” (Jn.6:48), “I am the Light of the world”(Jn.8:12), “I am the Gate” (Jn.10:9), “I am the Good Shepherd” (Jn.10:11), “I am the Resurrection and the Life” (Jn.11:25), and “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (Jn.14...Read More

Mind of Christ

March 2015

Let this mind (of Christ) be in you – Phil 2:5The Bible tells us, that to have the mind of Christ is indicative that the work of transformation is possible and we can think differently than we used to in former times. When we have the mind of Christ we will begin to see things the way they appear ...Read More

Divinity of Christ

March 2015

During the early centuries of the church there were groups that denied the true humanity of Christ. But reverse is the emphasis today. In the past two hundred years liberal theology has vigorously expressed a denial of Christ’s deity.The scriptures are replete with the personal claims of Christ as...Read More

A Call To Be Unique and Relevant

March 2015

The theme for the 91st Kumbanad Convention this year was UNIQUENESS OF JESUS CHRIST.  For the day the Women’s Meeting was scheduled, the topic was “Uniqueness of Jesus Christ in His Ministry” and the thoughts presented were what our ministry today must include to make it unique and releva...Read More