May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

June 2014

Globalization: An Opportunity for the Gospel

June 2014

In 2010, I was a delegate at the Lausanne Conference in Capetown, South Africa.  That gathering of mission-minded Christians from around the world reflects the growing realization that the Great Commission requires global cooperation with other believers.The Lausanne Conference is just one exam...Read More

The Rest Follows

June 2014

"Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way". (1 Cor:14:40)This is Apostle Paul's concluding remark regarding the order of worship. There are three possible reasons for this instruction. Firstly, God is deeply concerned with the manner in which his people use the gifts and talents he has...Read More

Biblical View of Food, Health and Nutrition

June 2014

Life consists of a series of choices.  The choices we make on a day to day basis affect our health tomorrow, next year or the near future.  In other words, all that we eat and don’t eat affect the long term picture of our health.  Genetic factors influence the equation in some ...Read More

Health Lifestyle: Biblical Perspective

June 2014

“….and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete (and found) blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.”  1 Thess. 5:23 (AMP)Today the quest for health has become an end in itself.  More than 60% of the people in the United States are overw...Read More

Benefits of a Disciplined Lifestyle

June 2014

My days in the army have taught me the hard way about discipline and punctuality. That experience has caused me to appreciate the value of the disciplined life for godly living.  This is true regarding the time and talents given by God. When I receive a thoughtful gift from someone, I atta...Read More

All Study and no Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy

June 2014

There is nobody who will not joyfully remember the good old childhood days of playing different games with friends in the neighborhoods, and the valuable lessons learned that makes one competent to meet the various challenges of life. The physical fitness, the socialization, the friendships, and the...Read More

Top 4 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

June 2014

GOD CREATED OUR HEALTHThe One who created the heavens created earth and formed it to be inhabited. (Isa. 45:18) God created us intending for us to lead healthy lives as we live on this planet”. “The people I formed for myself that they shall declare my praise”. (Isa. 43:21) The purpo...Read More

Loss of Appetite

June 2014

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness…” (Matthew 5:6)Let me check your appetite today. You don’t need a professional M.D. to diagnosis how you are doing spiritually. The question is, are you hungry? “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proce...Read More