May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

March 2013

With Christ Forever

March 2013

A boy once asked his mother, “At what age do people die?” His mother told him, “Go to the cemetery and measure the graves.” After doing what his mother told him, the boy concluded that people die at all ages. The power of death is universal. It is no respecter of persons. It strikes down the...Read More

Christ is All, He is Everything

March 2013

In Colossians 3:11 Paul said, “Christ is all and in all.” Christ is everything. That is a monumental truth that affirms the utter sufficiency of Jesus Christ for every spiritual issue in the life of every believer. He is all that is necessary for salvation and spiritual life. But the church is n...Read More

My Will vs. His Will

March 2013

I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I’m happy to be here for the 89th Annual Convention.  I’ve been told that a theme has been prayerfully chosen for this year’s convention.  From the theme “Christ is All,” I’ve been asked to speak on the subj...Read More

Abide in Christ to Bear Fruit

March 2013

The essence of Christian belief is our living relationship with the risen Christ. This is a subjective experience but with an objective reality behind it. Christ lives His life in the believer. This makes it possible for us to live a meaningful and purposeful life in this world.Living in Christ has ...Read More