June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

April 2023

Holy Spirit and Church Life

April 2023

A busy church is not necessarily a living church. Having one’s calendar full of events, activities, and programs might win admiration from people, but not necessarily commendation from the Lord. To one church He said:“I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.” ...Read More

Holy Spirit and Church Growth

April 2023

The Holy Spirit is the third person of Trinity.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three persons of Godhead.  They are one in three persons.  As attributes of Father and Son are: Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent so is the Spirit of God. The three are involved in all works together...Read More

Universal Bestowal of Salvation and Holy Spirit

April 2023

Unlike the Old Testament model of salvation, the New Testament reveals a new paradigm for the salvation of the entire world. Salvation from God is now universally available to all people, regardless of their nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, and languages (Rom. 10:12). In contrast, the Old Testa...Read More