May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

July 2021

The Full Life

July 2021

The United States of America or any other democratic nation that elects its President or Prime Minister experiences election frenzy  when politicians will promise, and people will vote for, what can never be perfectly realized by any human chief executive, no matter how talented, experienced or sin...Read More

Abundant Life

July 2021

A boy asked his mother.Mom, at what age do people die?The mother said, go to a nearby cemetery, read all the gravestones:The boy came back and said. People can die at any age.True, whoever comes to life must drink from the cup of death.It is so sad that people die at an early age regardless of their...Read More

Still Biting Eve’s Apple..!

July 2021

Many years ago, while travelling on a train to Pune, I started writing a play on Judas, and called it, “The Kiss!” This was before the age of laptops and computers and after writing the title on my pad, looked out of the window, as I normally do to get ideas. I was startled a few minutes later t...Read More

A Brief History of Theological Education

July 2021

The New Testament Era (till c.100)Theological education as a formal category similar to the contemporary era is neither found in the Old Testament nor in the New Testament histories. A different mode of education was followed to inculcate spiritual truths; a community based oral communication was pr...Read More

Entirety of security in Christ

July 2021

Life has to think in connection with God. It belongs to him and characterizes God, he exists eternally, and he is the source of life. Eternal life reflects an understanding that, it is the life of God or divine life. In this life a person who lives on a total dependence with God who is a life giver....Read More

Grace and Mercy of God and Full life (John 10 10-12)

July 2021

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the she...Read More