May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

March 2021

What We Believe makes All the Difference

March 2021

Many people say they believe in Jesus, but what we believe about Jesus makes all the difference.In John 7, Jesus’ own brothers give a good example of this.  They “believed” in Jesus, but they believed He was a magician and a secular Messiah.  They saw Him as a celebrity who needed to break o...Read More

Cross - The Magic Mantra of Our Mission

March 2021

These lines are written in the wake of an investigation on two major mission organizations in India.The allegations are not trivial. On the other hand, Christians who share the same faith quarrel on the street just to safeguard their vested interests.To top it all, the moral degradation of priests a...Read More

God's New Ways Shown at the Cross and the Tomb

March 2021

We are set in our ways and usually do not want to go outside of our comfort zone. However, sometimes circumstances force us to change the way we have been operating. This will affect our personalities, attitudes and behaviour. Covid-19 pandemic has created such a situation. Even when it comes to wor...Read More

Post Covid World for a Christian

March 2021

It doesn’t matter which corner of the world you reside. The under current of Covid-19 has changed the shape of every society, government and culture. World events have that effect, and once in a century events even more so. This Covid whirlwind has changed every country simultaneously. The virus h...Read More

Urban Mission in the Covid World

March 2021

Urban mission is about facilitating the people living in cities to enter into the redemptive plan of God. Cities are becoming magnets drawing large number of people from rural areas into the cities. God loves people, whether they live in the cities or in the villages, but the truth is that today due...Read More

It Has Begun..!

March 2021

Who were those who stood at the foot of the cross?As we read the gospels, we read that Jesus touched the lives of many, and we assume they were those mentioned in the Bible, that were healed, but according to John, ‘there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be wri...Read More