June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

May 2020

The Christian and the Trials of Life

May 2020

 How should we as Christians regard such a time as this? Some of you may have the coronavirus. Others of you may have friends or loved ones who have suffered or even died from it. Others of you have lost or are about to lose your livelihoods. Still others have faced shortages in food and other ...Read More

Focus on the Future

May 2020

By the rivers of Babylon, we sat and wept when we remembered Zion, There on the poplars, we hung our harps... How can we sing the songs of the Lord  while in a foreign land?" ( Psalms 137 : 1- 4)It is believed that this Psalm is written toward the end of the second exile and the author is very n...Read More

Ravi Zacharias

May 2020

On May 19, 2020, Ravi Zacharias, world-renowned Christian evangelist, apologist, debater, author and preacher, met his Lord Jesus face to face. He was 74. He was a chosen vessel of God, surrendered to Him. God greatly used him for His kingdom, and he blessed our own ministry in many ways to enumerat...Read More

Making the Most of the Worst of Times

May 2020

The whole world is a battleground! We are all under a siege! With the present swift exponential increase of Covid-19 throughout all the countries, where we are headed to this time, no one knows. Thick dark clouds covering the whole world and every nation. Suppressed anxiety and fear on most face...Read More