May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

September 2019

Generational Curses and God's Grace

September 2019

Imagine yourself wading in the ocean on a warm day.  Someone has warned you that the riptides are especially strong today, and it is not a good time to wade, but you ignore the warning.  A sudden wave picks you up and carries you out to sea.  The ocean current is too strong for you, and you find...Read More

No More Condemnation

September 2019

In 1997 Timothy Mcveigh was convicted of bombing the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. During the trial one of McVeigh's old army friends testified in court and made a revealing observation about human nature. According to Jo Thomson in the New York Times, the friend said, " I h...Read More

The Curse and Jesus' Death

September 2019

The carnal believer speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Paul mentioned being “doubletongued” (1 Timothy 3:8) or what we might call “speaking with a forked tongue”. James wrote, “Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be” (James 3:10...Read More

Curse and Blessing in the New Testament

September 2019

Sin and Curse are twin brothers. Sin brings forth curse or curse is the outcome of sin. All our blessings depend upon our trust in the Lord and obedience to His words. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s Word and subjected themselves to the flattery of Satan, sin entered their lives, which was also ...Read More

The Effects of Curses in the Old Testament

September 2019

Can curses do harm? The authors of the Hebrew Bible answered the question in different ways. At least three Hebrew verbs (’alah, ’arar, and qalal) can be translated "curse," though these terms cover a variety of oaths and covenant formulas uttered by people and the God of Israel. Curse can be de...Read More

Sin and Curse - A Biblical Perspective

September 2019

The history of the human race as presented in Scripture is primarily a history of humanity in a state of sin and rebellion against God and of God’s plan of redemption to bring man back to himself. World religions, philosophies and ideologies have endeavoured to explain human predicament in terms o...Read More