May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

December 2017

The Glory of God

December 2017

What is the glory of God? The dictionary defines “glory” as “very great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown; something that is a source of honor, fame, admiration; resplendent beauty or magnificence or prosperity; a state of absolute happiness, gratification, ...Read More

The Glory of God

December 2017

The Gentile nations had their temples, priests, religious laws, and sacrifices, but only the nation of Israel had the glory of the true and living God dwelling in their midst.Apostle Paul writes, " For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of...Read More

The Glory of God in Creation

December 2017

Glory refers to the reputation of a person. It is that which is intrinsically impressive in the being of God. Glory is the weight and uniqueness of the actions of God. Personality in man is limited, in God it is infinite. In His ordering is a mathematician and artist. God is orderly and full of beau...Read More

“And the Glory of the Lord Filled the Tabernacle”

December 2017

In the Old Testament the phrase ‘glory of God’ has a great significance especially in the life of Israel. We see Yahweh revealing his glory to the Israelites in many ways at numerous occasions. What exactly is the meaning of this phrase? How did God reveal his glory to the Israelites? How did th...Read More

Biblical Principles Relating to Worship

December 2017

Worship which is acceptable to God must be performed according to God’s Word. Any act of worship which is not in accordance with biblical principles is a mockery and mere ritualism. Let us examine the basic principles that govern true worship.A. Only God is Worthy of WorshipThe Scriptures state ca...Read More

The Glory of God in the Future Eternity

December 2017

The glory of God is the beauty of His Spirit. It is not an aesthetic beauty or a material beauty, but it is the beauty that emanates from His character, from all that He is (James 1: 10). We are the vessels which contain His glory 2 Cori 4: 7. Natures exhibits God’s glory.  Psalms 19: 1 – 4...Read More