June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

October 2017

Danger of Following False Christs

October 2017

A man looks at a sore on his neck that does not heal.  He worries - is it cancer?  The thought frightens and horrifies him.  He asks advice from others regarding a good doctor.  Someone tells him, “Oh, it doesn’t really make any difference which doctor you go to.  J...Read More

Beware of False Christs

October 2017

One painful truth that Church history reveals is the emergence of numerous false teachers who have misled thousands. These false teachers exploited the innocents and gained popularity for their own selfish causes.When a person emerges with a special doctrine and with the intent to dissuade people fr...Read More

Jesus Christ and False Christs – an Introduction

October 2017

The Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well had an inherent prophetic insight shared by millions – “I know Messiah is coming, who is called Christ” (John 4:25). Her curiosity and open heart led her to the living Christ, who spoke to her while resting at the well. This Christ-awareness, or we may use...Read More

False Christ – How to Identify Him?

October 2017

Deception and impersonation are the basics of Satan’s modern operandi, especially in his dealings with mankind. In the age of innocence, he successfully used this weapon to subdue Adam and Eve. Even today he uses it to trap the innocents. While we have to be guileless and innocent as the dove, we ...Read More

False Christs and False Teachers

October 2017

History of mankind is replete with stories of false Messiahs (Christs) who claim to be the incarnation of Almighty God. This happened many times before the coming of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, and has not stopped with His coming to this earth and fulfilling His mission.Jesus Himself knew about ...Read More

Divinity of Christ

October 2017

During the early centuries of the church there were groups that denied the true humanity of Christ. But reverse is the emphasis today. In the past two hundred years liberal theology has vigorously expressed a denial of Christ’s deity. The scriptures are replete with the personal claims of Chr...Read More

Antichrist as False Christ

October 2017

'Antichrist' or 'false messiah' is generally regarded as a mythical- historical  figure controlled by Satan, who will falsely claim to be the Christ ( Messiah). He will be demonic human adversary  of Christ who will appear as the oppressor and persecutor of both Christ and His followers bu...Read More