June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

April 2017

True Stewardship

April 2017

“Stewardship is another term for fundraising.”How many times have you heard or thought that?  This common misconception permeates our culture, even within the church, but it is heresy of the worst sort.Stewardship applies to everything God gives us, including our life experiences, our envir...Read More

Stewardship in Ministry

April 2017

We are stewards of God’s blessings such as life, property, money, time and talents etc. Stewardship in the church is usually associated with a campaign to raise money. The word 'steward' connotes the idea of a man who arranges for the supply of food and other materials in clubs, colleges, and othe...Read More

Stewardship and Accountability

April 2017

The word for stewardship connotes the idea of house management (Stig = household and weard = keeper). The steward manages, but does not own what he manages; the true owner has a right to an accounting. A steward can misuse, abuse or properly use what has been entrusted to him. Stewardship is an ethi...Read More

Parenting: Stewardship in and through Family

April 2017

Institutions like family, community and society play a significant role in fostering the holistic development of their members. Among these, the family is an important organization that enhances wholesome growth. In a family the individuals are either formed or deformed through the web of relationsh...Read More

Stewardship of the Gospel

April 2017

Many hold on to the New Testament’s emphasis on grace, but we need to realise that God has enlisted us for certain duties-not a requirement of salvation, but a result of salvation through the work of His Spirit in us. In this article, we take a look at our duty toward our Master Jesus Christ by un...Read More

Christ's Servanthood as Model for Our Stewardship

April 2017

The New Testament portrays Christian life as a life of deep commitment that brings glory to God. This entails a life-style that is totally surrendered to Christ, having his mind and character, living the life of a steward. We are called to be faithful stewards to serve God in this world. As individu...Read More