May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

October 2016

Showing Grace to Graceless Parents

October 2016

To effectively fulfill the Great Commission sometimes depends upon how we honor the most dishonorable people of our lives with God’s grace.  This may include parents who mistreated, neglected and abused us.  To a degree, we all experience dysfunctional families.  All parents ar...Read More

Respect the Elderly

October 2016

In a seminar for senior citizens, a person asked a geriatrics specialist, "When do the signs of old age begin?" The doctor thought for a moment and then answered, "At conception." True!The body is under constant attack from oxidative stress. Oxygen in the body splits in to single atoms with unpaired...Read More

Biblical Understanding of Honoring the Elderly

October 2016

We live in a generation that does not give much space for the elderly. They are often neglected, despised and belittled by the younger ones. While this may be a generalisation, it can be stated that in some cultures- especially in cultures that follow animistic beliefs and ancestor worship practices...Read More

Woman, Behold your Son

October 2016

In what is usually cited as the third of seven Cries from Calvary, Jesus turned the cross into a temporary office and took care of some last minute family business. Before saying, “Into thy hands I commend my spirit”, He said to John, “into your hands I commend my Mother”. “When Jesus ther...Read More

Psychosocial Problems of Old Age

October 2016

Demographic TrendThe phenomenon, called population ageing, is a dynamic demographic trend all over the world. In 2015, one in eight people worldwide was aged 60 years or over. According to data from World Population Prospects (United Nations, 2015), the number of older persons, aged 60 years and abo...Read More

Care for the Old Age: A Pastoral Perspective

October 2016

In human life cycle, everyone will experience the various stages unless the death does us apart. No stage is permanent. We are forced to move on from one stage to other even if we do not like to. The last stage which is largely known as old age is a difficult stage in life. A recent survey says that...Read More