May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

July 2016


July 2016

Communalism is a chronic problem in India, but the Bible shows us a way to deal with it.Communalism attempts to build religious and ethnic identities and to incite strife among people of different communities.  These smaller communities see themselves first of all as members of a particular gro...Read More


July 2016

"An ethnic group or ethnicity is a popular group whose members identify with each other on the basis of common nationality or a shared cultural tradition". Ethnicity refers to cultural factors,including nationality, regional culture,  ancestry and language. Race, however refers to a person...Read More

The Issue of Communalism: Some Preliminary Annotations

July 2016

We are living in a changing world.  Even the meaning and usage of common words are also changing as per the changing of time. Terms like ‘community’ ‘communal’ ‘communalism’ etc are the classical example of it.  Basically, these words are having an inbuilt positive meaning in t...Read More

Ethnicity and Ethnocentrism

July 2016

DefinitionsThe Oxford Dictionary defines “ethnicity” as “the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.” Chamber’s Dictionary, on the other hand, defines it as “the state of belonging to a particular racial or cultural group.” While t...Read More

Religious Tolerance

July 2016

Parable of wheat and Tares  24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the ...Read More

Secularism v/s Communalism - Present Day India

July 2016

Introduction Secularism and communalism – what is it all about? How did they originate? Which is better for the Indian context? And why? And also the particular meaning of Indian secularism – all these are dealt here in a very brief way. The discussion also includes the contemporary intoler...Read More

Violence Versus Peace: Jesus in His Context

July 2016

The world is undergoing tremendous changes in every realm and very often these changes pose a threat to the peaceful existence of humanity. As we look into the political, social and religious spheres, this observation is true in every sense. The major religions of the world, whether it is in the Eas...Read More