June 2024 | The Urban Church Antioch

June 2016

God Introduces Himself

June 2016

God introduces Himself…  This fact makes the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ different from any other religion.Everywhere else, a celebrated philosopher, teacher or prophet tries to introduce us to God.  But humanity’s ideas about God, no matter how seemingly noble and high-minded...Read More

Jehovah Rapha

June 2016

A number of names for God are found in the scriptures, for no one name, or even multiplicity of names can reveal all his attributes. The following words from the inspired pen of the prophet Isaiah is thrilling.  "To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?  Says the holy one. lift up ...Read More

Jehovah - Shalom

June 2016

IntroductionIn ancient times, especially in the context of the nation of Israel, a name was never given to someone simply as a title rather a name was given to an individual to express the kind of person he or she is or hoped to become. God has been revealing himself to us in scripture by His variou...Read More

Yahweh-Yireh: “The Lord shall provide”

June 2016

What’s in a name? We may have asked this question many times considering our modern day trends in the random choice of names for our children, house or our organization. Most of us tend to choose names that sound good, are unique and also meaningful. However names in the Bible meant more than all ...Read More

Jehovah-Shammah: The LORD is there

June 2016

Jehovah Shammah is one of the names of God that we find in the Old Testament. lt is translated as “The LORD is there". We find this name for God in Ezekiel48:35. Actually this name is given to the city of Jerusalem in the vision of Prophet Ezekiel. The meaning and Significance of this name is to b...Read More

Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord is My Righteousness

June 2016

“How can a man be righteous before God?” (Job 9:2) Job wondered, you’ve wondered. What’s right? Can I be right? Preachers talk about getting right with God. Conscience tells us what is right but it seems things aren’t right. I need to make things right. How? To whom? Such conversations hav...Read More

Yahweh Sabaoth: The Lord of Hosts

June 2016

The Need of God’s PeopleGod placed the people of Israel in a strategic land. They are located on a “land bridge” that connects three continents. This is useful for them as they have direct, unhindered access to many nations. They are endowed with this special privilege that many nations do not...Read More