January 2024 | Conversion: Persecutor Turns Promoter

March 2016

Work and Witness

March 2016

One of the greatest blessings that God gives to us is the gift of work. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people, including many Christians, do not believe this.  Most people are dissatisfied with the work they do. Many Christians are convinced that their jobs are not sufficiently “Chr...Read More


March 2016

"Man goes forth to his workand to his labor until the evening.O Lord, how manifold are your works!With wisdom you have made them all;the earth is full of your creatures. (Psalms 104:23,24) Work is not a curse.It is inherently good!The Bible opens with God and the first thing we read about God ...Read More

Labour ( Work ) as Blessing: A Biblical Perspective

March 2016

An initial problem- what constitutes human labour? The Oxford dictionary defines labour as a physical or mental work, also as such work considered as supplying the needs of the community. Work is a general term, usable in a variety of contexts. Work can refer to any physical and/or mental activities...Read More

Work, a Curse ?

March 2016

There is no grater joy on earth than the joy of seeing the fruit of one’s labor. Job satisfaction, meaningfulness of life, feeling worthwhile, feeling successful and seeing the establishment of the work of one’s hands is the major motivation behind all human accomplishments. The pain dissolves i...Read More

Sabbath, The Holy Rest

March 2016

There is a bed in the midst of the current bedlam, a cradle in crisis, Jesus, our Savior and Sabbath. With outstretched nail-scarred hands, He invites, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Jesus offers a life of rest for the rest of life,...Read More

Bible and Work: A Reading

March 2016

Productive human endeavour is commonly said as work or labour. That may be physical, intellectual or both put together. Work is usually rewarded with wages in money or material. But the ultimate and most sublime reward for any labour is self satisfaction. Apostle Paul who believed that whatever one ...Read More