May 2024 | Vision Leads to Transformation

January 2024

Saul of Tarsus and Us

January 2024

The miraculous transformation of Saul of Tarsus gives us hope for our own day.Saul of Tarsus was the last person anyone expected to follow Jesus Christ.  That he would later become the missionary to the Gentiles, willing to face beatings, stoning, prisons, shipwreck, and to lose his life for th...Read More

The Issue of Conversion in India

January 2024

Suddenly, ‘conversion’ has become a bad word and a wicked deed. There is an alarm created as if ‘conversion’ is the first and foremost problem facing the nation and it should be tackled on war footing. Anti-conversion law has been enacted since 1967 in a few states of India, banning conversi...Read More

Biblical Theology of Conversion

January 2024

In recent years there has been a significant increase in opposition and violence against any form of Christian mission. In the name of “forcible conversion,” some right-wing political groups attacks minorities, especially Christians. Furthermore, there have been a plethora of laws passed by...Read More