January 2024 | Conversion: Persecutor Turns Promoter

Take up the Challenge

Take up the Challenge

Pr. T S Abraham

Josh 1:5 reads, “No one will be able to stand their ground against you as long as you live.  For I will be with you as I was with Moses.  I will not 

fail you or abandon you”.

My dear Graduates!

This is the promise of God to Joshua as he took on the challenge of leading the large group of Israelites (2 million) into this new Promised Land. What a great challenge!

Every new step is a challenge every unknown path is a challenge, no matter how able and strong you think you are! Joshua was a man of high capabilities and calibre! But even he needed that re-assurance that God’s Presence would go with him all through.

You are now stepping into new areas after completing your studies in this institution. This is only the beginning of many new experiences in your faith walk. But as you face difficult situations and tough times, remember, you are not walking alone. Deut. 1: 29 says, “Don’t be afraid! The Lord your God is going before you”. Walk in step with God and His Presence will encourage and lead you through. 

You may not conquer nations literally, like Joshua did. But you are being commissioned today to go out into the waiting world and conquer lives from the clutches of Satan into the Kingdom of God. As you are engaged in this battle, it will not always be easy. Each of these experiences will bring its own challenges. 

At such times, I urge you to remember that, HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL! 


So, my dear graduates, press on! I want to assure you of our prayers for you as you go forth. May the Presence of Him who was with Moses and Joshua continue to be your strength as you serve Him faithfully!!

God bless you.

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